Afbeelding 03 milieu impact

TOTEM support

Together with the ICEDD, we support the three regions in communicating about and supporting the use of TOTEM.
  • Partners: ICEDD, Buildwise

  • Client: SPW

  • Timing: 2019 - 2028

  • Status: In execution

Bureau Bouwtechniek and the Institut de Conseil et d'Etudes en Développement Durable (ICEDD) are supporting the three regions in communicating about and supporting the use of the life-cycle analysis tool TOTEM. Buildwise is involved as a second-line expert and advisor.

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To support the Belgian construction sector in objectifying and reducing the environmental impact of buildings, the three regions have developed TOTEM (Tool to Optimise the Total Environmental Impact of Materials). The partners in the project are OVAM, Bruxelles Environnement and the Service Public de Wallonie.


TOTEM facilitates actors from the Belgian construction sector ( architects, engineering offices, contractors, developers, public authorities, etc. ) to identify and reduce the environmental impact of buildings from the beginning of the design phase.

Dive deeper into our TOTEM expertise Download the TOTEM guide
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TOTEM poll

  • To stimulate the creativity of designers and realise projects that meet tomorrow's environmental requirements.
  • To evaluate the environmental impact of building elements or buildings based on a scientific method adapted to the specificities of the Belgian construction market.
  • To stimulate innovation and encourage eco-design in building systems.

Bureau Bouwtechniek

We take on all Dutch-language communication and support:

  • helpdesk management,
  • providing training,
  • organising events,
  • general communication,
  • and maintenance of the tool.

Since 2024, we also assume the coordination role.

Meet our TOTEM specialists.

From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (2)

Jona 569 A6702 Large

ir. arch. Jona Van Steenkiste

Energy and sustainability advisor
EPB reporter
E-mail |
Katrien 569 A0552 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Katrien Van Lierop

Energy and sustainability advisor
E-mail |
Kopie van Circulariteit boven 1

How can TOTEM have an impact on your project?

It is best to ask our specialists Jona Van Steenkiste and Katrien Van Lierop directly.

TAGS: Circular building| TOTEM