RTBF Charleroi mockup 4021

Façade & Terrace

Your building envelope is in good hands with us.

Few renovation projects are as technically delicate as those for a facade or terrace. Fortunately, we have experts in our ranks who know what makes a good façade and terrace renovation, whether commissioned by an architect or working directly for you as client.

Choice ACV gent 181023 569 A9814 Aangepast

Are you an architect?

Are you an architect facing a technically complex facade renovation issue? Fear no longer, you have found a multidisciplinary team in which, in addition to façade specialists, there are also experts who know all about roofs and building physics. Together, we have all the pieces of the puzzle we need to offer you an integrated solution.

Be sure to check out what our façade engineers have in store for you

Our approach looks at the facade as a whole and avoids lock-in effects by covering the subject matter sufficiently broadly.

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You are a building owner?

The façade of your building requires a technical renovation? One in which no aesthetic choices have to be made? We are thinking, for example, of conservation works that do not change the appearance or function of your façade. A question we often get from a V.M.E. whose apartment building needs a refresh.

Your terrace is suffering from concrete damage? That doesn't stop us. In this case, we take on an external party whose laboratory identifies the cause of the damage.

Before we step into a project together, we will give you a tailor-made plan of action so you know what you are getting into.

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How do we proceed?

  1. Before we start breaking ground, we take the time to take stock of the existing situation and evaluate the various renovation tracks. Once our feasibility study is complete, a clear plan of action is on the table. We go through this with you until we agree on the renovation route that is feasible for you. If you are part of a V.M.E., we will gladly explain this proposal at a general meeting.
  2. Once the ball is in the court, we incorporate our plan into a tender file with technical specifications, measurement sheets, plans and details. With due seriousness and care, we then compare the contractors' offers.
  3. During execution, we manage the site. We master both the technical file and the administrative one. Besides quality, we also monitor your budget and coordinate all parties involved, especially the contractor. You are kept informed of all this through our weekly site report.
  4. We hand over to you a neatly delivered facade.

Meet our specialists

From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (5)

Alexander S

ir. arch. Alexander Scheepers

Project architect
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BB Arno oct 2014

ir. arch. Arno Van Hulle

Project architect
Maintenance consultant
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Bert 569 A0759 Gemiddeld

arch. Bert Van den Bergh

Project architect
Advisor renovation & restoration
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Katalin 569 A0733 Gemiddeld

arch. Katalin Urban

Technical expert
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Stephanie Van Goethem

ir. arch. Stephanie Van Goethem

Project architect
Facade renovation consultant
Expert damage diagnosis and repair of concrete
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Other types of restauration & renovation

Feasibility studies

You turn to us when you need a plan of action to renovate a building in the best possible way.
More about Feasibility studies

Roof & Rooftop parking

Renovating your roof, even the most technically complex, is right up our street.
More about Roof & Rooftop parking


Renovating buildings with heritage value requires special expertise and attention. We have cheese of both.
More about Heritage

Energy renovations

Providing your property with a high-performance energy label is a challenge right up our alley.
More about Energy renovations