Safety coordination

Our team of security experts is multifaceted. It can present a considerable portfolio and regularly resides in professional networks as experts by experience.
Havenhuis 10022015 5821 1192
Choice STUK 13 6 22 569 A3413 Gemiddeld

What does the law say?

A safety coordinator is mandatory, both during the design and execution phases, when at least two contractors carry out works simultaneously or consecutively on the same site.

For construction sites of 500 m2 or more, the client appoints the safety coordinator; otherwise, the appointment may also be made by the construction supervisor in charge of design.

All our safety coordinators are also architects, engineers or have construction degrees.

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Why are our safety coordinators unique?

Our safety coordinators combine knowledge of legislation with on-site experience. They keep both up to date. Legislation by closely following regulatory changes. Site experience by monitoring sites not only as a safety coordinator but also as an executive architect.

When we are involved in an assignment both as safety coordinator and as executive architect, you get a unique team member. One that is very close to the design, is aware of the project planning and proactively carries out the safety assignment.

What do we do differently?

As a safety coordinator, we not only ensure that we meet all legal obligations, we take a more comprehensive and thorough approach. Not because we necessarily want to be the best in class, but because we don't take safety for granted. So we like to be thorough.

  • A well-considered safety approach is not limited to the site. We consider it an added value to advise the architect as early as the design phase on regulations and standards relating to safety aspects. Is safety glazing provided for in the design? Are parapets high enough? What about fall protection on roofs? We think it is important even at this stage of a building's creation to think about how it can be used and maintained safely later on.
  • We also like to be regular guests on site. Not because we have spare time, but because we take our commitment seriously. We are involved and follow the schedule closely to be sure to be present at critical moments on site. Preferably, we proactively look at the plan of approach for those phases to limit mutual risks when different contractors are working together.
  • To provide your building with a good manual even in its use phase, we provide you with a comprehensive PID that bundles all the documents a user needs to maintain your building safely. Apart from the As built file, our PID also contains instruction sheets, manuals and certificates for the use of the building.

Meet our safety coordinators

Team Safety (4)


arch. Barbara Arts

Project architect
Safety coordinator
E-mail |
B B freya 7089 Large

ing. Freya Michiels

Project engineer
Safety coordinator
E-mail |
B B Ken Koolsaet 7293 Large

Ken Coolsaet

Advisor flat roofs
Safety coordinator
E-mail |

arch. ass. Tuur Van Dijck

Advisor flat roofs
Safety coordinator
E-mail |

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