MKF2329 kopie 513

Roof & Rooftop parking

Renovating your roof, even the most technically complex, is right up our street.

We can say without blushing that we have Belgium's most respected flat roof specialists in our ranks. They can handle the most technically complex renovations, from drawing up the dossier to site monitoring and delivery.

Our team of specialists knows the business from (roofing) seam to seam. We assess the situation on site quickly and accurately and are able to make the right decisions about the most appropriate renovation on the basis of our findings.

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How do we proceed?

When an expertise, an audit, a feasibility study, or simply your experience as a client indicate that a roof renovation presents itself, we get to work.

Starting from an inspection and evaluation of the existing situation, a measurement and, if necessary, a destructive examination of the structure of the roof, we build up a file with measurement plan and type details, technical specifications and measurement sheets.

Our thorough knowledge of the market offer and its evolutions guarantees a technically correct approach and up-to-date and professional guidance in comparing the contractors' offers.

Our flat roof specialists renovate around 70,000 m² of roof and roof parking every year.

Zoonjens Waasland1

On site

Once in progress, we ensure that the worksite runs smoothly:

  • we check the quality of the execution of the works,
  • coordinate the contractor,
  • lead the site meeting and
  • perform a thorough budget check.

We assist you from the start of the works to the final delivery. Our aim is to maximise user comfort and minimise disruption to all users during the works. For example, parking roofs often remain in use during the renovation works.

In practice, it mainly comes down to proper education and a change in our building behaviour. All parties, whether contractors or installers, working on a roof need to think proactively together to ensure optimal waterproofing protection.
Tuur Van Dijck
265887 S 1 VIJF

"There is a 'sine qua non' for building the perfect climate roof," says Jan Moens. "The basis has to be right, and for that waterproofing is primordial. In all, there are six critical elements that we have to consider in the design phase: the concept, compatibility of materials, control and execution, roof protection, the upper roof design and maintenance. If we apply all these factors meticulously and professionally, things cannot go wrong."


  • We play an active role in researching innovative techniques and materials and in updating existing Technical Information.
  • We disseminate our knowledge through training and courses to professionals involved in the design, implementation and management of flat roofs.

Your renovation project will benefit from this from the front row.

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Our durability advisors have a seat at the table of the Green Deal

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2022 04 21 Bureau Bouwtechniek 02056

Never say, "It's just a flat roof".

Say: "It's a fascinatingly challenging beautiful satisfying durable waterproof flat roof."

Roofing specialist and safety coordinator from the very beginning ing. Freya Michiels in all her roofing enthusiasm. ❤️

Meet our roofing specialists

From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (7)

Alexander S

ir. arch. Alexander Scheepers

Project architect
E-mail |
Birgit 569 A6662 Gemiddeld

arch. ass. Birgit Depuydt

Advisor flat roofs
E-mail |
B B freya 7089 Large

ing. Freya Michiels

Project engineer
Safety coordinator
E-mail |
Jan Moens kennispartner 3379

prof. arch. Jan Moens

General Director
Head of Research & Development Department
Managing Director
E-mail |
B B Ken Koolsaet 7293 Large

Ken Coolsaet

Advisor flat roofs
Safety coordinator
E-mail |

arch. ass. Tuur Van Dijck

Advisor flat roofs
Safety coordinator
E-mail |
Wim Rymenants

Wim Rymenants

Technical renovations consultant

Were you also looking for a safety coordinator?

That's lucky, we also have those in house.

Other types of restauration & renovation

Feasibility studies

You turn to us when you need a plan of action to renovate a building in the best possible way.
More about Feasibility studies

Façade & Terrace

Your building envelope is in good hands with us.
More about Façade & Terrace


Renovating buildings with heritage value requires special expertise and attention. We have cheese of both.
More about Heritage

Energy renovations

Providing your property with a high-performance energy label is a challenge right up our alley.
More about Energy renovations