
Our experts will be happy to visit you to take a critical look at the damage to your building. Before coming to you, they listen carefully to your concerns. Together with you, they will draw up a plan of action so that you start this journey well informed.
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Construction damage or defects?

You can count on our experts to look beyond their nose. This means that they pay attention to non-obvious causes and look for connections where they cannot be found at first sight. Not because we like to be complicated, but because we work thoroughly and do not want to attribute anything to coincidence.

Our experts look with an open mind, take the time to understand how your building is put together and check what they see against their engineering knowledge and experience. They bring all these elements together in an advice tailored to your needs. With that advice, you hold the key to taking your problem further.

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What makes our experts special?

All our experts have a construction background. That gives them insight into how your building is put together and knowledge about why things sometimes go wrong.

What unites them is the commitment to helping you move forward as best as possible. The right dose of empathy helps them do this. So does a good dose of common sense. And the talent to balance both when working with you to find a solution.

Our expertise team is at home in many disciplines. It is called upon not only for expert appraisals, but also for other construction-technical studies or advice or to manage a construction site. They cash in on this diversity of knowledge and experience when they translate their recommendations into concrete and workable guidelines that you can really take forward.

Moisture problems in your building? You have come to the right place.

Assistance with handover

You can call the provisional acceptance one of the crucial moments in the construction process without hesitation. It is the moment when the works are accepted and the key is handed over to the end user. A moment to frame.

There is more to a provisional acceptance than an inspection tour. It is best to appear well prepared for the appeal. For instance, by calling in a technical expert.

An armed expert is worth two. Even before our expert goes out the door, he or she studies the building in question. He does this to leave nothing to chance and to make sure that everything has been built in accordance with the permit and the sales specifications. The surveyor also checks that all necessary inspection and submission reports are available.

From a neutral position, the expert mediates critically but fairly between all parties on site.
Kopie van Op stap met onze experten 1
2021 10 22 BB Werfbezoeken 4378

"For a round of bickering I am not to be found. I see myself as a guide who guides all parties through the forest of provisional delivery with the final goal of signing the report ... with a smile," says expert Jolien Van Bever 🤝🏽. Solution-oriented thinking and action is essential here.

Jolien is not satisfied until the end user can sleep on both ears because of her intervention, and that in a safe and well-built house.

BMI Drawing Paulus

Accessibility analysis

To enter an underground car park, you already have to use your best steering skills. During such a difficult moment, you wonder whether the designer himself regularly drives a car into a garage. The fact is that estimating manoeuvres and sizing vehicles is no mean feat. Incorrect estimations often lead to disputes between parties and sometimes even legal proceedings.

You recognise the situation? Feel free to engage prof. ir. arch. Paulus Present. His objective analyses bring clarity to potentially plighted situations.

2022 04 21 Bureau Bouwtechniek 02071

You need an expert?

ir. arch. Stephanie Van Goethem will be very happy to help you.

Meet our experts

From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (4)

J Olien Van Bever

ir. arch. Jolien Van Bever

Project architect
E-mail |
Karen 569 A4949

ir. arch. Karen Dockx

Technical expert
E-mail |
Stephanie Van Goethem

ir. arch. Stephanie Van Goethem

Project architect
Technical expert
Expert damage diagnosis and repair of concrete
E-mail |
Kopie van Paulus

ir. arch. Yoshi Craeye

Technical expert
E-mail |