Audits & Maintenance

Building owners get advice from us that will help them move forward in the longer term.

Building audits

We help you as a building owner to really get to know your building.
Knipsel5 3464

Roof inspections

Condition measurement current state of 96 roofs in the Antwerp Kempen region according to NEN-2767 standards.
VAC Gent overzicht delen toren 191115 3979

Condition measurement Flemish Administrative Centre in Ghent


Condition measurement current state of the facades and roofs of the Flemish Administrative Centre in Ghent.

Maintenance advice

Are you an architect or building owner and in need of advice on building maintenance works? You have come to the right place.
SANY0565 2629

Portfolio review AG Vespa


Critical inspection of AG Vespa's urban heritage in Antwerp.
VAC Gent overzicht delen toren 191115 3979

Condition measurement Flemish Administrative Centre in Ghent


Condition measurement current state of the facades and roofs of the Flemish Administrative Centre in Ghent.

Meet our specialists

From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (4)

Alexander S

ir. arch. Alexander Scheepers

Project architect
E-mail |
BB Arno oct 2014

ir. arch. Arno Van Hulle

Project architect
Maintenance consultant
E-mail |

arch. ass. Tuur Van Dijck

Advisor flat roofs
Safety coordinator
E-mail |
Wim Rymenants

Wim Rymenants

Technical renovations consultant