KMSKA 29123 569 A7173 4751


Renovating buildings with heritage value requires special expertise and attention. We have cheese of both.

Our restoration experts dedicate themselves with dedication and passion to giving valuable heritage a sustainable future.

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The redevelopment of a building with heritage value usually involves several partners at the table. Our task starts with an architectural and energy audit of the building in which both strengths and weaknesses are identified and new interventions are weighed up and carefully incorporated.

In doing so, we always keep the preservation of the heritage values in mind.

Heritage value can obviously be found in protected monuments and buildings on an inventory of immovable heritage, but can also be limited to some aspects. It makes sense to clearly identify and interpret these values when making new interventions.

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As the owner of a building with heritage value, you can engage us directly if you want to understand how your building is put together (audit) or find out what the renovation options are (feasibility study). In this case, our focus is on developing a vision that recognises the heritage value.

Specifically, what do we do?

We supplement our usual analysis within a feasibility study with a survey of the building's heritage value. This usually involves mapping out the building history and heritage values, and a survey of potentially necessary technical material studies. Including their coordination. Both the procedures and our plan of action are then further tailored to this.

Specific heritage studies such as extensive archival research and material technical studies are outsourced to specialists. Coordinating and processing these into concrete implementation proposals is then again what we are good at.

How we mean that?

    • That, with an audit or expertise, we can already determine concrete causes of building engineering problems and propose solutions.
    • That we can elaborate construction-technical solutions into concrete choices for materials and detailing.
    • We can also calculate the structural engineering solutions and ensure maximum robustness.
    • That we can check the impact on acoustics, daylight, energy, comfort, heritage and sustainability.
    • We can coordinate the partners involved and draw up a conclusive implementation file.
    • That we can follow up the execution in terms of construction and administrative procedures.

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Meet our heritage specialists

From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (3)

BB Arno oct 2014

ir. arch. Arno Van Hulle

Project architect
Maintenance consultant
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Bert 569 A0759 Gemiddeld

arch. Bert Van den Bergh

Project architect
Advisor renovation & restoration
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Stephanie Van Goethem

ir. arch. Stephanie Van Goethem

Project architect
Facade renovation consultant
Expert damage diagnosis and repair of concrete
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Other types of restauration & renovation

Feasibility studies

You turn to us when you need a plan of action to renovate a building in the best possible way.
More about Feasibility studies

Roof & Rooftop parking

Renovating your roof, even the most technically complex, is right up our street.
More about Roof & Rooftop parking

Façade & Terrace

Your building envelope is in good hands with us.
More about Façade & Terrace

Energy renovations

Providing your property with a high-performance energy label is a challenge right up our alley.
More about Energy renovations