MKF2329 kopie 513


Since 2011, we have been one of Delhaize's regular partners in carrying out study assignments for roofs within the Delhaize Group Belux.
  • Client: Delhaize

  • Status: In execution, Executed

We help renovate some 25 shops or 25,000 m² of roof all over Belgium on an annual basis. We often do this in combination with safety coordination in the design and/or implementation phase.

MKF2124 kopie 511


Based on a thorough investigation (destructive or non-destructive) and evaluation of the existing situation, we draw up technical and administrative specifications, detailed measurement statement and summary measurement statement (tender form).

We then supervise the tendering process and the comparison of contractors' offers.

MKF2139 kopie 512
IMG 8935 188


We lead the follow-up of the works (technical control, cost, organisational) and assist with provisional and final acceptance.

2013 08 AUGUST DELHAIZE 1140 EVERE Stitched 001 COMP 499

Meet our roof specialists

From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (2)

B B freya 7089 Large

ing. Freya Michiels

Project engineer
Safety coordinator
E-mail |
Birgit 569 A6662 Gemiddeld

arch. ass. Birgit Depuydt

Advisor flat roofs
E-mail |

From Team Safety (1)

B B freya 7089 Large

ing. Freya Michiels

Project engineer
Safety coordinator
E-mail |
TAGS: Roof