Choice Grand Nieuwpoort 16 10 24 569 A4807
Together with design architect David Chipperfield Architects and restoration architect Origin, we are responsible for the renovation, restoration and new construction of the monument-protected The Grand.
  • Architect: David Chipperfield Architects i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: VDD project development BV

  • Surface: 15.150 m²

  • Budget: € 23.000.000

  • Timing: 2018 -

  • Status: In execution

  • Photographer: Sarah Blee (werf) - Tim Fisher

  • Advisors: Origin (restoration), Arjaan De Feyter (interior), Bureau Bouwtechniek (EPB), Mouton (stability), HP engineers (techniques), Macobo (acoustics), Advice for all (safety coordination)

Le Grand Hôtel or The White Residence from 1924 is considered one of the most iconic art deco buildings on the Belgian coast. In 1981, the facades in natural stone and plastered brick were already protected, as were parts of the interior.

The former hotel will be converted into a residential complex with seventy flats and a ground floor with a bar and brasserie on the Zeedijk.

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In our experience, DCA possesses the gift of dealing with complex buildings in an extremely sensitive way. At The Grand in Nieuwpoort, he managed to reconcile the commercial element of the building's new use with the fact that it is a listed monument. Which is not to say that his design intervention lacks any audacity. For instance, he adds as many as four storeys without losing sight of the original building. Rather than wanting to stand out himself with his creation, DCA respects what is already there. This testifies to a modesty that we as BB certainly recognise.

We can also extend this to the personal and human way in which David Chipperfield and his agency deal with their partners. It's nice working with people who are committed to the work while also placing importance on connecting as human beings. (dixit Joris Minnen)

News from the construction site

Presentation of the chippered facade. With thanks to Verstraete to share the drone images.


  • High-rise building (approx. 30 m high)
  • Frontal sea location (saline climate, strong wind and rain loads). In combination with the high-rise given a challenge in terms of detailing.
  • Arched self-supporting facade brickwork. The façade on the Zeedijk is characterised by an extra-large arch with a span of 10 m suspended from the supporting structure.
  • Working in the context of a partially protected heritage site. The new extension assumes a design and materiality similar to the existing historic building layers but with subtle differences. The design assumes kaleidated I chippered new bricks instead of the cemented existing bricks with simili-Euville render. The abstracted arch forms in the new facade sections are juxtaposed with the highly decorated arch forms in the existing facades.
  • Fire safety in a historic and partially listed building.
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As executive architects, we help the designing architects with all construction-technical and financial issues, so that they can fully concentrate on the design. BB also monitors the execution and ensures that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

Site impression

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On the existing building of 4 storeys above ground, 4 additional storeys are mounted, 2 in the façade (+4 and +5) and 2 under the roof (+6 and +7). A challenge to the existing structure and floor structure.

New concrete columns (skeleton) in the façade carry the additional loads down, both through the façades, and (via floor) to the rebuilt spine walls.

The new floor floors are therefore a balancing act between minimal weight vs acoustic comfort.

Hans De Neve

A well-thought-out digital preparation and BIM strategy is essential for an optimised construction process that goes beyond the design and execution phase. The BIM model serves as the digital foundation and is the key to successful collaboration. By making this effort at an early stage, it strengthens the ability to reap the benefits of this during execution. Coordinated transfer of information and BIM models between the design and execution phases is of course crucial here.

Dixit Hans De Neve at the expert day Digitaal Bouwen

Circularity and sustainability

Together with DCA, we believe in the philosophy of adaptive reuse, giving new functions to historic buildings. At The Grand, this is made concrete through the addition of extra floors in a contemporary architectural language that reinforces the original idea of the design.

Reconciling historic heritage with 21st-century housing dreams is a complex exercise with maximum sustainability in mind. Fossil fuels will be excluded. Air-conditioning will be provided by individual heat pumps that will be connected to geothermal boreholes (totalling almost 10 kilometres) under the new car park. In addition, 220 (invisible) solar panels are also planned.

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Sustainable construction with BIM

BIM made a vital contribution to the sustainability of The Grand. It enabled the project team to work more efficiently, save resources, and implement energy-efficient solutions, resulting in a more sustainable and future-proof building.


  • improves the adaptability of the design by visualising the impact of demolition or preservation of existing structures through a detailed 3D model, reducing failure costs and promoting sustainable choices.
  • facilitates urban mining and targeted management and maintenance of the building, contributing to energy management and reducing waste.
  • accurately determines the quantities of materials required, resulting in more efficient use, less waste and lower environmental impact.
  • checks the design for clear heights and surfaces, paying extra attention to stairs and fire compartments, increasing safety and comfort.
  • supports thermal performance control and optimises thermal insulation, resulting in energy savings and a smaller environmental footprint.
  • promotes cooperation between partners, leading to sustainable and efficient solutions and a 20-30% reduction in construction waste.
  • enables prefabricated and modular construction methods, generating less waste and energy consumption, and 20-30% energy savings.

Our experts

From Team Architecture (private sector East and West Flanders) (4)

CHOICE 569 A1653

arch. Lieselot Prinsie

Project architect
E-mail |
Cas 569 A0579 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Cas Verstraete

IMG 0366

ir. arch. Dana Dee

Project architect
E-mail |
Elien Coppitters 2714

ir. arch. Elien Coppitters

Project architect
E-mail |

From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (1)

BB Arno oct 2014

ir. arch. Arno Van Hulle

Project architect
Maintenance consultant
E-mail |

From Team Façade engineering (1)

Raf 569 A3809 Gemiddeld

arch. Raf De Preter

Expert construction details
Façade advisor
E-mail |

From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (1)

Jona 569 A6702 Large

ir. arch. Jona Van Steenkiste

Energy and sustainability advisor
EPB reporter
E-mail |

From Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (2)

Julie H

ing. Julie Huybrighs

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |
Hanne V 3220

Hanne Vanbrabant

BIM modeller

From Team Knowledge Innovation & Technology (2)

Marleen 569 A0680 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Marleen Meulenbergs

Quality coordinator
Technical expert
E-mail |
Johan 3224

prof. arch. Johan Cordonnier

Project architect
Expert construction details
Façade advisor
E-mail |

From Academic staff (1)

Ruben Large

ir. arch. Ruben Van Vooren

Project architect
E-mail |
TAGS: EPB| Circular building| Executive architect| BIM