Choice Divercity 16 5 23 569 A8471 4902

School De Puzzel

Together with V+ architects, we are building a nursery and primary school and sports hall on a former industrial site in Forest.
  • Architect: V +

  • Client: Commune de Forest

  • Surface: 1963m² school - 1279m² sports hall

  • Timing: 2014 -

  • Status: In execution

  • Photographer: Sarah Blee

  • Advisors: Zeugma (TS), Daidalos-Peutz (acoustics), Greisch (stability), Bureau Bouwtechniek (EPB)

With the De Puzzel project, we are building a Dutch-speaking kindergarten and primary school, with the gymnasium being opened up to local residents outside school hours as part of the Brede Scholen (Broad Schools) project for, among other things, provincial basketball competitions.

The school is a continuation of the Divercity Master Plan and forms a capstone for the park it faces.

I want to know more about the master plan first.
Divercity 15 10 27 57 4739
2022 12 06 12 05 28 4740


  • the complexity of the site, situated between two train tracks in an area prone to flooding, with limited site access and in close contact with Infrabel
  • the complexity of coordinating techniques, architecture and stability by implanting the school above a strictly regulated sports hall
  • fair-faced concrete finishes around a prestressed steel structure
  • the integration of acoustic requirements to create a comfortable school environment between the railway tracks

Technically, the building meets the passive standard with particular attention to insulation - by means of increased insulation and the installation of green roofs - and airtightness, but also with a very low energy requirement thanks to the specific choice of technical installations.


This project seeks to make the best possible use of a former derelict, polluted and lost site between two tracks and make way for a school of 250 pupils in a quality manner.

The project combines contemporary architecture with increased energy performance, guaranteeing long-term sustainability in cultural, social and energy terms.


Rainwater harvesting is practised all over the project. Thus, not only are all roofs either accessible or as green roofs, but the entire playground acts as a draining case. The collected rainwater is reused inside the building itself.

As executive architect, we help the designing architects with all technical and financial issues so that they can fully focus on the design. We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

Choice Divercity 16 5 23 569 A8432 4906
Choice Divercity 16 5 23 569 A8463 4903

A 'lost' site that, with 1,963 m2 of school and 1,279 m2 of (neighbourhood) sports hall, will be given a sustainable cultural and social use. Moreover, we limit our footprint by recovering rainwater. 😮

✔ Meaning in every square meter 

What can we do for you in terms of rainwater harvesting?

What do we mean by EPB consulting?

These teams are working together on De Puzzle

From Team Architecture (French-speaking) (2)

Julie J 3227

ir. arch. Julie Janssens

Project architect
E-mail |
Kopie van Paulus

ir. arch. Félix de Walque

Project architect
E-mail |

From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (2)

BB Robbe oct2014

ir. arch. Robbe Verelst

Energy and sustainability advisor
Building physics engineer
E-mail |
B B Martijn Vyncke 8087 Large

ing. Martijn Vyncke

Energy advisor
Daylight expert
Consultant technical installations
E-mail |

From Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (1)

Glenn choice 719925

Glenn Verdyck

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |
TAGS: Executive architect| EPB| BIM