Masterplan Divercity

Masterplan Divercity

Together with V+ architects, we are building a nursery, cook school, day centre for elders, park, caretaker's house and youth house on a former industrial site in Forest.
  • Architect: V+

  • Client: Commune de Forest, Contrat de quartier Primeurspont de Luttre

  • Surface: 8.655 m²

  • Budget: € 3.528.000

  • Timing: 2011 - 2017

  • Status: Executed

  • Photographer: Giulia Frigerio - Maxime Delvaux - Céline de Vinck

  • Advisors: Technum (exterior construction), Zeugma (TS), Ecorce (EPB), Daidalos-Peutz (acoustics), R2D2 (Batex), Greisch (stability)

Divercity seeks to combine a complex of public facilities with a large park on a former industrial site enclosed by two train tracks.

The main building is organised around a patio, a space created between the three building wings, and stripped of unnecessary architectural effects. Thus, it focuses on the relationship between the end users and the unique landscape of the plot. The youth house also follows this logic, setting itself up as a modest volume in the shadow of the burg.

Masterplan Divercity2
Divercity Maxime Delvaux20 2331
001719 Render 01


  • the complexity of the site, situated between two railway tracks in an area prone to flooding
  • compliance with Batex (Batîment exemplair) regulations on cultural, social, architectural and energy matters

Technically, the buildings meet the passive standard with particular attention to insulation - through increased insulation and the installation of green roofs - and airtightness, but also with a very low energy requirement thanks to the specific choice of technical installations.


The project fills a lack of infrastructure and green space in this part of Forest. Its size makes it a landmark for the municipality despite its peripheral location.

The project combines contemporary architecture with increased energy performance, ensuring long-term sustainability in cultural, social and energy terms.


The materials used were selected based on their ecological and sustainable aspects according to Nibe classifications, FSC/PEFC sustainability labels and specific ecological labels.

A rainwater recovery system will be installed, part of the roof is designed as a green roof and part of the park serves as an infiltration basin. Thus, the project reduces the site's impermeable surfaces.

As executive architect, we help the designing architects with all technical and financial issues so that they can fully focus on the design. We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

These teams worked together on Masterplan Divercity

From Team Architecture (French-speaking) (2)

Julie J 3227

ir. arch. Julie Janssens

Project architect
E-mail |
Johan 3224

prof. arch. Johan Cordonnier

Project architect
Expert construction details
Façade advisor
E-mail |

From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (1)

Stephanie Van Goethem

ir. arch. Stephanie Van Goethem

Project architect
Technical expert
Expert damage diagnosis and repair of concrete
E-mail |
178 V Ecole de Puzzle Vue Ext Parc 4738

In 2023, together with V+ school, we added De Puzzle to this site.

Dat wil ik zien!

TAGS: Executive architect| BIM