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Residential complex Tondelier

At the Tondeliers site in Ghent, we are coordinating the design and implementation of a sustainable residential area.
  • Architect: Blaf architects, De Smet Vermeulen architects, Eddy Vanzieleghem architects, evr architects, Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen, Ono architecture, Rapp+Rapp and Verdickt&Verdickt architects i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: Tondelier Development

  • Surface: 75.000 m²

  • Timing: 2018 -

  • Status: In execution

  • Photographer: Sarah Blee

Gent tondelier 2 A oct 2020 710180 3852

On the Tondeliers site in Ghent, a former brownfield, we are building a new, sustainable residential area with flats, lofts and town houses with gardens. After Citadelpark, this site will be Ghent's second largest green lung.

It is a sustainable living and housing concept with a limited number of residential units in green surroundings.

  • Tondelier offers space for 528 low-energy housing units.
  • The total housing offer comprises 20% social housing and the same number of budget homes.
  • The site provides sports, commercial and service facilities, offices, catering, a crèche and a youth centre.
  • The master plan includes two parks: one for softer uses and a connecting park in which harder recreational functions are possible.
BB Tondelier Gent 070222 CHOICE 569 A1791 4448


A broad and integral sustainability vision is at the heart of project Tondelier:

  • BEN dwellings (S28 and E30) BEN flats (S28 and E30)
  • connection to a heat network
  • airtight construction according to passive requirements
  • preparation of a residents' guide for good use
  • use of the sustainability meter of the city of Ghent.

The City of Ghent's sustainability meter is the guiding and guiding instrument in the development of this new residential area.

Developed together with the Flemish Government, the sustainability meter's main guarantees are that:

  • sustainability is approached integrally by striving for coherent principles and measures;
  • the sustainability ambitions to achieve a higher quality of implementation are monitored;
  • sustainability is considered throughout the entire process, from site selection through design and realisation to management.

Our energy consultants support the design team and the City of Ghent in following up the VIPA sustainability criteria for the nursery in the Tondelier project. These VIPA sustainability criteria have a very strong link with sustainability meter GRO.

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As the overarching executive and coordinating architect, we ensure that the objectives and process are always clear and up to date for all partners, and we help the designing architects with all technical and financial issues so that they can fully focus on the design.

Our colleagues from Team Sustainability, Energy and Comfort are responsible for the EPB advice and related reporting.

Tondelier F2 B 2
Tondelier F4


Meanwhile, our colleagues executive architects Thomas Janssens, Mark Sette, Gretel De Smet and Jasper Steenbeke delivered:

✔️ 15 single-family houses (phase 4) i.c.w. De Smet Vermeulen Architects, Ono architecture and evr architects,
✔️ 3 apartment buildings with 37 flats (phase 2B) i.c.w. Ono architecture, BLAF architects and Verdickt&Verdickt,
✔️ 13 single-family houses (phase 5) i.c.w. evr architects, Office KGDVS and BLAF Architects.

This brings the preliminary total for the entire site to:

📌 free market: 76/239 ➡️ 32%
📌 budget: 22/83 ➡️ 27%
📌 social: 15/64 ➡️ 23%

3D animation

A first! For us, anyway. We modelled a green area for the first time. Happy guinea pig is the green inner area on the Tondeliers site in Ghent. Rapp+Rapp was responsible for the design.

The technical elaboration in 3D made it possible to correctly map the connections of the height differences between the greenery and the buildings. It was also possible to design the desired shape of the wadi in relation to the required volume.

Walk through the video and discover how this inner area connects the entire building block without losing sight of the transition between public and private green space.

In the next phase, the model will be used to elaborate the detailing and measurement of the inner area.

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002661 3 D Gevel01 20201028 HDN


Our Computer Aided Design & BIM team modelled the BIM models of this residential area in collaboration with various stability engineers. In addition to the architectural aspect model, we also took care of the coordination and integration of the various models.

Phase 4 of the Tondelier housing estate consists of 15 different houses, designed by 3 different architects. This immediately indicates one of the major challenges of the project, namely managing, coordinating and harmonising the different buildings and design visions into one complete BIM model.

Evolution of Tondelier from 2018 to 2028

Meet our project team

From Team Architecture (private sector East and West Flanders) (6)

Gretel De Smet

ir. arch. Gretel De Smet

Project architect
E-mail |
Kopie van Paulus

ir. arch. Jasper Steenbeke

Project architect
E-mail |
JEROEN 9 6 23 569 A8695 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Jeroen Verliefde

Project architect
E-mail |

arch. Mark Sette

E-mail |
Tatjana 569 A1614 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Tatjana Bogaert

Project architect
E-mail |
Choice Thomas 569 A1690 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Thomas Janssens

Project architect
E-mail |

From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (3)

Emma 569 A0561 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Emma Van De Steene

Energy and sustainability advisor
E-mail |
Jona 569 A6702 Large

ir. arch. Jona Van Steenkiste

Energy and sustainability advisor
EPB reporter
E-mail |
Katrien 569 A0552 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Katrien Van Lierop

Energy and sustainability advisor
E-mail |

From Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (7)

Bart choice 719976

arch. Bart Van den Bossche

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |
Frederik 3410

arch. Frederik Velghe

Technical designer
E-mail |
Hans De Neve

ing. Hans De Neve

Project engineer
Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |
Julie H

ing. Julie Huybrighs

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |

arch. ass. Katie Van der Borght

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |

prof. ir. arch. Paulus Present

BIM manager
Technical designer
E-mail |
Tiny 569 A3568 Large

arch. Tiny Vandenberghe

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |
TAGS: Coordinating architect| Executive architect| EPB| BIM