Harvest Bay

Circularity of building materials: Harvest Bay

Together with Jansen by ODS, Lootens, Buurman Antwerp and Franck, we examine the opportunities and bottlenecks of a collaboration around the circularity of building materials.
  • Partners: Jansen AG, Bureau Bouwtechniek, Lootens, Franck, Buurman Antwerpen

  • Client: OVAM - Vlaanderen Circulair

  • Timing: 2021 -

  • Status: In execution

Cooperaton is Key

Circular innovation finds it difficult to enter the construction world: implementers and investors prefer to avoid risks around new building techniques and often fall back on traditional building solutions. Moreover, the individual interests of organisations and various disciplines in construction are predominantly taken as a starting point, resulting in little trust between different actors within a (re)construction project.
This makes it not always clear to building owners and users what individual and social opportunities circular building has to offer.

Harvest Bay: Collaboration in the circular construction world

Pursuing collaboration from a broader perspective opens up space for innovative solutions such as special demolition techniques and urban mining, renovation techniques and reuse of residual materials.

Long-term commitment to projects can also be achieved through collaboration between partners in construction by, for example, offering maintenance contracts and products "as a service". This extends the lifetime of raw materials and building materials and keeps them in the circular cycle.

Urban mining

  • A service that unburdens the contractor as much as possible in terms of selective demolition of existing buildings.
  • Optimise the logistical challenges related to the time path between supply and demand of circular building components by managing, renovating and storing them in the materials halls.
Gevelfarem 3941

To help architects design circular structures, a virtual concept house will be created.

Component management platform

Preferably, a component goes directly from the yard where it is 'mined' to the yard where it is redeployed. However, because of a timing mismatch and/or because the component still needs to be machined, it may be necessary to take it to a hub. Sound management and follow-up are the challenge here.

Specification of circularity in tender documents

Alternative ways to raise the level of circularity (regarding the consortium's materials) in tender documents.

During the process, we will take the lead in the study on circularity in material descriptions, material properties and expected performance. There will also be strong involvement in the urban mining study and in setting up the component management platform.

Meet our research team

From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (2)

From Team Knowledge Innovation & Technology (1)

Curious about what we have to say about circular construction?

TAGS: Circular building