20211001 Circulaire modelomgeving 4202

Circular model environment for residential projects

Together with Nextensa, we are developing a tool for the BIM modelling environment that will quickly give all parties insight into the circular opportunities of their construction project.
With the support of Vlaanderen Circulair
  • Partners: Nextensa

  • Timing: 2021 -

  • Status: Executed

05 Tour Taxis Brussels Drone Ortogonal Groot 4880

Circularity is still little known in the residential real estate market. It is a fast-paced sector with many stakeholders who have to make many decisions.

To help circular construction break through there, we are developing a tool for the BIM modelling environment together with Nextensa, which will give all parties a quick insight into the circular opportunities of their construction project.

Our case? Residential district Lake Side, a new urban district on the Tour&Taxis site in Brussels.

View the case

With this innovative communication tool targeting all stakeholders involved in a construction project, we aim to accelerate the transition to the circular construction economy in the real estate market.


The tool makes 'circular building' concrete from the start of a project and then takes care of the follow-up of all circular objectives throughout the design process. This is done using unambiguous parameters that carry circular information at building, element and material level.

At the end of the final design phase, the circular information is present in the model environment that provides candidate buyers with insight into a circular use and material potential.

The model environment contains concrete guidelines for the realisation of the circular residential building project.

Moreover, the tool will allow the model to be evaluated during execution into an intelligent BAMB (Building As Material Bank) that can be transferred to the buyers upon completion.

Meet the project team.

From Team Knowledge Innovation & Technology (2)

CHOICE 569 A2001

ir. arch. Nadja Van Houten

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prof. ir. arch. Paulus Present

BIM manager
Technical designer
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From Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (3)

Stefanie P

int. arch. Stephanie Plas

Christof Gemiddeld

arch. ass. Christof Nollet

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |
Julie H

ing. Julie Huybrighs

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |

From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (2)

Jona 569 A6702 Large

ir. arch. Jona Van Steenkiste

Energy and sustainability advisor
EPB reporter
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Emma 569 A0561 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Emma Van De Steene

Energy and sustainability advisor
E-mail |
TAGS: BIM| Circular building