From his lazy Saturday afternoon seat, Jan was triggered by a report on ATV. Roma had just finished his first working weekend. If only that would work out, was the first thing that came to Jan's mind. And whether we shouldn't start helping those people. From that day on, Bureau Bouwtechniek assists De Roma in every phase of the renovation.
The book De Roma - Het Verhaal (The Story) pays tribute to everyone who has contributed a stone, large and small, to the realisation of the De Roma Dream. So too did Bureau Bouwtechniek.
We, too, are grateful that we were able to convince and motivate a solid team of specialists from our own ranks and from our network to help tell this story. Needless to say, we are also particularly proud of what we have achieved together.
De Roma is een monument voor en door mensen. Het is erfgoed dat weet te verbinden, mensen gelukkig wil maken, ten dienste wil staan van een gemeenschap en ook gedragen wordt door die gemeenschap.
Meer meaning hebben wij niet nodig.