
We inspire and help you to design, build and maintain buildings more correctly together in a human atmosphere.
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Meaning in every square meter
Design is not a done deal. It’s an invitation for innovation. Reusing materials means new life, a proper process means progress, a technical breakthrough can make a dream come true. Yes, we get very, very, nerdy about details. Add us to your team because we want to make smart and sustainable buildings that make you feel good and us feel proud. Details aren’t details. Every square meter has meaning.
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About us
At Bureau Bouwtechniek, we work together as a team on your projects. Passion for building technology is what unites us. Pursuing positive impact on our future environment together too. We dream of more humanity and sustainable partnerships committed to a sustainable world.
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We inspire and help design, build and maintain buildings more correctly together in a human atmosphere.
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Call us on +32 3 231 53 95 (from 9am to 4pm) or send an e-mail to
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