
Coordinating architect
As the coordinating architect, we ensure that the project objectives and process are always clear and up to date for all partners.
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The redevelopment of a building with heritage value usually involves several partners at the table. Our task starts with an architectural and energy audit of the building in which both strengths and weaknesses are identified and new interventions are weighed up and carefully incorporated.
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GRO is a sustainability meter developed by Het Facilitair Bedrijf. We actively help the three regions further develop the GRO tool and try to apply the tool in all our projects.
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TOTEM is a tool created to map the life cycle of materials. Our advisors manage the TOTEM helpdesk and provide hands-on feedback so that the tool can be used in the best possible way.
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Technical representative of the client
As the technical representative of you, the client, we take care of your project like a good family man. You can count on being able to come out at the end with a high-quality building.
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Building physics, Comfort & Well-being
Putting your well-being in our hands is an exaggeration. Promoting it by helping you on your way with the right building physics advice we can.
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Energy renovation
An energy renovation is a balancing act between energy efficiency, cost-benefit, comfort, building management in use phase and a sustainable choice of materials.
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