
Façade & Terrace
Few renovation projects are as technically delicate as those for a facade or terrace. Fortunately, we have experts in our ranks who know what a good facade and terrace renovation is made of.
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Roof & Rooftop parkings
Renovating your roof, even the most technically complex, is right up our street.
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Our restoration experts dedicate themselves with dedication and passion to giving valuable heritage a sustainable future.
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Environmental impact
A life cycle assessment calculates the total environmental impact of your construction project.
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Feasibility study
With the feasibility study, you have in your hands a crucial preliminary study for a renovation project. You will see that the step to implementation is within reach.
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EPB advice and reporting
Our energy consultants can also work as EPB reporters and consultants, both in Flanders and Brussels. They are your guide through the forest of EPB regulations.
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For us, a technical due diligence of a building is an audit. So is a general screening of an existing building.
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Maintenance advice
The advice you get from us allows you, as a designer, to see your building in the right perspective. As the owner of an existing building, you will get a clear picture of what you need to do to give your building a longer life.
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Circular building
Our circular construction specialists motivate their clients to implement the principles of circular construction in their projects. Not tabula rasa wise, but tailored to your project, the building and the location.
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Executive architect
We help the designing architect with all technical and financial issues so that they can fully focus on the design.
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