Gare M2 2395

Cargo terminal Gare Maritime

Together with architect Jan de Moffarts, we were commissioned by Nextensa to renovate the outer shell of the Gare Maritime.
  • Architect: ir. arch. Jan de Moffarts i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: Project T&T NV

  • Surface: 40.000 m²

  • Budget: € 35.000.000

  • Timing: 2016 - 2018

  • Status: Executed

  • Photographer: Giulia Frigerio

  • Advisors: Studiebureau Boydens (techniques), Studiebureau Ney & Partners (stability), Venac (acoustics), Bopro (safety coordination, Breeam), FPC (fire safety), Arcadis (environmental consultancy), Seco (technical inspection, stability)

Gare M 2442

The Gare Maritime is a historic warehouse with a surface area of 40,000 m², a length of 280 m and a width of 140 m.

The width is made up of 3 large spans (with a span of 26 m) between which there are increasingly smaller spans (with spans between 13 and 18 m).

The halls have a metal support structure on which a zinc roof rests.

The renovation is part of a global vision for the development of the Tour&Taxis site in Brussels. The old station building is not a protected monument. The renovation of the old hoods serves to preserve the building and adapt it to the new requirements of functionality, regulations, energy and safety, etc.

Gare M4 2443


The façade was renovated with respect for the existing situation. After a thorough feasibility study, the complete technical study of the outer shell was started and carried out. The much-needed renovation was integrated into the overall appearance of the building. For example, the aluminium and steel curtain walls were matched to the authentic steel structure.

One of the requirements in the renovation was to create a façade that could absorb the thermal movement of the building while pursuing a certain rationality in production and placement. The facades were divided into identical elements (5.5 metres wide and 5.6 metres high) aligned to the bays of the hall's steel structure. A logical and convenient consequence of this is that they are demountable. The transition between the different elements is ensured by customised filler panels.

As the executive architect, we help the designing architects with all construction-technical and financial issues so that they can fully concentrate on the design. We also monitor the execution and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can make our dreams come true.

Gare M6 2396

Meet the Gare Maritime team.

From Team Architecture (private sector Antwerp, Limburg, Flemish Brabant and Brussels) (3)

Jan Moens kennispartner 3379

prof. arch. Jan Moens

General Director
Head of Research & Development Department
Managing Director
E-mail |
CHOICE 569 A2001

ir. arch. Nadja Van Houten

E-mail |
Julie J 3227

ir. arch. Julie Janssens

Project architect
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From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (1)

Stephanie Van Goethem

ir. arch. Stephanie Van Goethem

Project architect
Technical expert
Expert damage diagnosis and repair of concrete
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From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (3)

BB Robbe oct2014

ir. arch. Robbe Verelst

Energy and sustainability advisor
Building physics engineer
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Jona 569 A6702 Large

ir. arch. Jona Van Steenkiste

Energy and sustainability advisor
EPB reporter
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Martijn 569 A5078

ing. Martijn Vyncke

Energy advisor
Daylight expert
Consultant technical installations
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From Team Façade engineering (1)

Raf 569 A3809 Gemiddeld

arch. Raf De Preter

Expert construction details
Façade advisor
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TAGS: Executive architect| Durability| Façade| Heritage