DJI 0560

School campus Ceria

Together with architecture firms V+, MSA and 51N4E, we are helping to build a school complex on the Ceria Campus in Anderlecht.
  • Architect: TV V+ MSA 51N4E i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: French Community Commission

  • Surface: 20,000 m² and 20,000 m² (outdoor landscaping)

  • Budget: 28.500.000

  • Timing: 2018 - 2024

  • Status: Executed

  • Photographer: Sarah Blee & Lina Adi (construction site) - Serge Brison (reception)

  • Advisors: Greisch (stability), MK Engineering (EPB, techniques), Plant & Houtgoed (landscape), Daidalos-Peutz (acoustics), Bureau Bouwtechniek (fire)

New building:

  • two secondary schools for 600 pupils each (1 and 2)
  • a refectory with 300 places (3)
  • construction of a car park for 68 places with access road (5)
  • construction of an avenue (5 and 7)
  • construction of a landscaped park between the various buildings (6)
  • erection of a kiosk on the canal side (8)


  • of an existing sports hall (4)
Op1 3184 3184
002319 3 D View DOA Beeld B 20201119 HDN 4230
002319 3 D View D23 Beeld C 20201106 HDN 4232


We modelled the architecture of the DOA building, a design by V+, and the D23 building, designed by MSA. The aspect model stability was modelled by Greisch, that of the techniques by MK engineering. We worked closely with Daidalos Peutz to integrate the acoustic properties of the elements into the model architecture.

002319 3 D View DOA Sud Est 20201119 HDN 4228
  • The buildings were constructed in two separate sub-models.
  • The gross area of the DOA (Jules Verne) and D23 (Marie Curie) buildings was +/- 8100 m² and 7000 m², respectively.
  • 9554 elements were measured automatically.
  • Integrated issue management was used and tested for the first time in this project.

Our BIM modellers were also responsible for coordination and integration between the various aspect models.

Find out more about BIM.
DJI 0549

Ecole Jules Verne

BRI 4672 Groot

Ecole Marie Curie

As executive architect, we help the designing architects with all construction technical and financial issues, so that they can fully focus on the design. We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

Our experts

From Team Architecture (French-speaking) (4)

Julie J 3227

ir. arch. Julie Janssens

Project architect
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Smaranda 3252

arch. Smaranda Alexandrescu

Project architect
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JOHAN 9 6 23 569 A8828 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. John Flippo

Project architect
E-mail |
Francesca 569 A0780 Gemiddeld

arch. Francesca Crosby

Project architect
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From Team Knowledge Innovation & Technology (1)

Raf 569 A3809 Gemiddeld

arch. Raf De Preter

Expert construction details
Façade advisor
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From Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (2)

Sebastian De Meyer

arch. Sebastian Demeyere

Technisch ontwerper
Tiny 569 A3568 Large

arch. Tiny Vandenberghe

Technical designer
BIM modeller
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TAGS: Executive architect| BIM