BY7 I2635 Large 2157

New Port House

Together with Zaha Hadid Architects, we are building a new home for the Port Authority of the city of Antwerp.
Winner Mipim Award Refurbished Buildings 2018
  • Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: Antwerp Port Authority

  • Surface: 12,000 m² (office space)

  • Budget: € 59.000.000

  • Timing: 2009 – 2016

  • Status: Executed

  • Photographer: Sarah Blee

  • Advisors: Studiebureau Mouton (stability), Engineering firm Ingenium (techniques), Daidalos Peutz (acoustics), Origin (restoration), FPC (fire safety)

As the signboard of the second largest European port and fifth on a global scale, the new Port House groups the various services of the Antwerp Port Authority in one location, on the border between port and city.

BB havenhuis BY7 I2313 2149
Havenhuis 0107 992015 1675

The new Port House consists of the former fire station and an elegant, beam-shaped volume lifted on top of it.

  • The new volume rests on sculptural pillars, some of which pierce the covered courtyard of the fire station.
  • A glass column providing access to the new volume consists of a panoramic lift shaft.
  • The new building facades are composed of glass triangles slightly rotated in relation to each other so that the incidence of light produces ever-changing reflections.
141s Zaha HH Samen 1020 PP 1042

BIM and façade engineering

Our colleagues made a substantial contribution to the façade design. They translated the original design by Zaha Hadid Architects into a budget-friendly and technically feasible design using BIM.

The BIM model, graphics and representation of the glass facades were developed using Revit Architecture software. Our BB team succeeded in developing working methods in Revit that allow drawing and modelling such complex geometries without touching the aesthetics of the architect.

After competition, conceptualisation and description, our architects also led the implementation process.
Haven 930
Havenhuis 10022015 5821 1192


Seeking to simplify execution and reduce financial risk, the design team chose to prefabricate several components of the new Port House. The steel structure, the triangular façade and the atrium roof will be prefabricated in larger, transportable parts. In particular, the assembly of the façade has become an uncommon and gigantic puzzle challenge.

As executive architects, we help the designing architects with all technical and financial issues so that they can fully focus on the design. We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

Brussels housewarming 569 A7997 Aangepast

"The projection of the grid on the façade led to a division into very large panels for the end faces. To arrive at a makeable façade system, we changed the pattern to a combination of different projections in consultation with Zaha Hadid Architects and made adjustments to the volume. These modifications are minimal, but greatly improve the building engineering." Gert Biebauw

Read the full interview

Meet our project team:

From Team Architecture (public sector Flanders) (2)

Gert 569 A0619 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Gert Biebauw

Project architect
Financial director
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Ilse 569 A0601 Gemiddeld

arch. Ilse Deckmyn

Project architect
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From Team Safety (1)


arch. Barbara Arts

Project architect
Safety coordinator
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From Team Knowledge Innovation & Technology (2)

Jan Moens kennispartner 3379

prof. arch. Jan Moens

General Director
Head of Research & Development Department
Managing Director
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CHOICE 569 A2001

ir. arch. Nadja Van Houten

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From Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (1)


prof. ir. arch. Paulus Present

BIM manager
Technical designer
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From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (1)

BB Arno oct 2014

ir. arch. Arno Van Hulle

Project architect
Maintenance consultant
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