BB Deinze june 2016 CHOICE 4126 3114

Leiespiegel service centre

Together with Tony Fretton Architects, we are building a new office for mayor and aldermen and new administrative centre for Deinzen.
  • Architect: Tony Fretton Architects Ltd i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: City of Deinze

  • Surface: 8.100 m²

  • Budget: € 13.500.000

  • Timing: 2009 - 2016

  • Status: Executed

  • Photographer: Sarah Blee

  • Advisors: VK Engineering (stability, techniques, EPB, acoustics)

The new "Leiespiegel" service centre in Deinze provides 8,000 m² of working space for 100 employees, a city archive, a cafeteria, a 250 m² council chamber, public meeting rooms and individual offices for the mayor and the College of Aldermen. The public garden enclosed by the building overlooks the river.

Lyspiegel is clad in Italian natural stone, is naturally ventilated and generates heat and cooling mainly through ground energy storage. The council chamber has double-height windows so that the activities taking place there and the ceiling artwork are visible to the people of Deinzen.

What our project architect has to say

A satisfied ir. arch. Thijs Verfaillie looks back with great satisfaction on a successful collaboration between architect, builder and contractor: "The result is a peaceful building elegantly perched on the banks of the Lys."


The new service centre is the first project where all building elements to be measured were built and drawn entirely according to the measurement code. This is the first project where the measurement state was generated integrally in Revit. Both the architectural and stability models were drawn by us as separate files and linked together.

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As executive architects, we help the designing architects with all technical and financial issues so that they can fully focus on the design. We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

Meet our project team

From Team Architecture (private sector Antwerp, Limburg, Flemish Brabant and Brussels) (1)

Thijs Verfaillie Large

ir. arch. Thijs Verfaillie

Project architect
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From Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (1)

Kopie van Paulus

ir. arch. Yoshi Craeye

Technical expert
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TAGS: Executive architect| BIM