IMG 7726


On behalf of Herita, we investigated solar protection measures to protect the historic paintwork in the Hofkamer in Antwerp.
  • Client: Herita

  • Timing: 2022

  • Status: Executed

The Hofkamer is an 18th-century showroom in rococo style. Due to centuries of exposure to direct sunlight and high temperatures, the historical painting in the Hofkamer in Antwerp has been damaged, both that of the panelling and the ceiling. Our daylight expert was called in to devise a solution compatible with the architectural and historical context of the building.

3 D schaduwen omgeving

The site and its surroundings were fully mapped and imported from the digital twin of Antwerp which is freely available. After double-checking some crucial dimensions, we went on to work.

An analysis via a 3D model and botanical information showed that the hornbeam already present did not come into leaf early enough to counteract the problem of light penetration on the wall paintings in the space. Additional trees, in turn, were not a good idea and highly image-defining.

Follow the sunbeams in the rooms on the first floor

IMG 7723

Sunproof glazing or foil was not compatible with the existing joinery and interior. These are also permanent measures that are not needed beyond the duration of the problem.

The answer was found in remnants of metal fixing points in the natural stone window frame and a French handbook on joinery published by the Académie Royal des Sciences (volume 1 - 1769).

Outdoor blinds as a plug-in, hidden behind a wooden or metal louvre, have been an option since 1769.

255 years since the manual was published, updates and technological evolutions have been made, such as new materials for the slats, UV-resistant cables, direct-current tube motors, Teflon-lubricated ball bearings or automation linked to adaptive thermostats. The basis remains that a façade element, whether or not linked to a system, is the first protection against annoying solar radiation. Manual systems require more user awareness. Automatic systems partly unburden occupants with energy as a pass currency.

Meet our daylight specialist

From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (1)

Martijn 569 A5078

ing. Martijn Vyncke

Energy advisor
Daylight expert
Consultant technical installations
E-mail |
Kopie van Souverain 25 1

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