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Renovation of Boerentoren

We investigated and supervised the renovation of the exterior joinery of the iconic Boerentoren tower in Antwerp.
  • Client: KBC

  • Timing: 2000 - 2012

  • Status: Executed

  • Advisors: Bureau for Architecture and Stability Dirk Jaspaert (BAS)

Kopie van Klaar voor de toekomst

We were responsible for:

  • the replacement of the entire exterior joinery in 2 non-contiguous phases (1250 aluminium and 260 steel windows),
  • the renovation of terraces and the roofs of the 7th and 9th floors,
  • fire safety adaptation works.

Feasibility study

We provided a thorough technical, practical, aesthetic and energy evaluation and inventory of the different scenarios for the renovation of the exterior joinery, including a multiple cost estimate.

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Based on the builder's specific and substantiated choice, technical and administrative specifications and a detailed measurement sheet (tender form) were drawn up from the preliminary study.

We supervised the tendering procedures, the comparison of the bids and the advice to the client for the selection of the most optimal contractor.

We also advised the client on the basis of a screening and quality-criterion-testing of the potential candidate contractors.

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We supervised the execution of the works through strict detailed planning and secure coordination. Follow-up was carried out under the conditions that the building would remain fully operational during the works and that the strict timing was met.

We assisted in the provisional and final handover and ensured safety coordination throughout the entire construction process.

Meet our experts

From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (2)

CHOICE 569 A2001

ir. arch. Nadja Van Houten

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Jan Moens kennispartner 3379

prof. arch. Jan Moens

General Director
Head of Research & Development Department
Managing Director
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TAGS: Façade