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Art house Art Basics for Children

Together with HUB, we are converting youth house De Fabriek into a multifunctional and artistic lab in Brussels.
  • Architect: HUB i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: Art Basics for Children vzw

  • Surface: 1.725 m²

  • Timing: Phase 1: 2007 - 2008 I Phase 2: 2013 - 2016

  • Status: Executed

  • Photographer: Ilse Liekens, Sarah Blee

  • Advisors: BAS (stability)

Abc LR 12 2453

Phase 1: conversion of youth house the Factory into a multifunctional and artistic lab

This new home for Art Basics for Children (ABC) is a laboratory with office facilities for research and development in the field of art experience and aesthetic education for children.

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Phase 2: expanding the infrastructure with a new building

This new building includes a lab classroom that can be used in various ways. On the first floor, this new space provides silence and movement space.

As executive architects, we help the designing architects with all technical and financial issues so that they can fully focus on the design. We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

Meet our project team

From Team Architecture (private sector Antwerp, Limburg, Flemish Brabant and Brussels) (1)

Gert 569 A0619 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Gert Biebauw

Project architect
Financial director
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From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (2)

Jona 569 A6702 Large

ir. arch. Jona Van Steenkiste

Energy and sustainability advisor
EPB reporter
E-mail |
Martijn 569 A5078

ing. Martijn Vyncke

Energy advisor
Daylight expert
Consultant technical installations
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From Team Safety (1)

B B Ken Koolsaet 7293 Large

Ken Coolsaet

Advisor flat roofs
Safety coordinator
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TAGS: Executive architect