Zak World of façades

Raf De Preter and Ruben Van Vooren speak at this seminar on the development of an assessment framework to help professional clients assess façade renovation strategies.
Aarlen Trier3

Zak World of Façades is an international study day on façade design and engineering taking place for the first time in Brussels. The event focuses on sustainable innovations and zooms in on the challenges for the building sector regarding the building envelope.

Sustainable or ‘good’ architecture and building technology must take into account more and more parameters. At building level, the government has therefore already developed an assessment framework within the sustainability meter GRO. Our façade experts detected a similar need for a practical but scientific assessment framework for design decisions at element level.

Brussels housewarming 569 A7963 Aangepast
Kopie van Rubens 5th

Assessment framework to support decisions in façade renovation projects

Raf and Ruben's lecture focuses on developing a structured framework to make informed choices within façade renovation and redevelopment projects.

This will cover two main topics:

  • Feasibility study of a façade as a key element in circular redevelopment projects
  • Involvement and integrated representation of different areas of expertise at an early stage: a practical framework

In addition, several example projects will be highlighted during the lecture. These practical examples will illustrate how the assessment framework is applied in reality, and show how façade renovations can contribute to circular redevelopment and sustainable building transformations.

Feasibility studies increase quality, reduce uncertainties and encourage innovative reuse of façade materials. These studies can focus on both facades and materials. When we are in charge, we take the integrated approach.

Discover the entire program

October 2, 2024

Leefmilieu Brussels

Havenlaan 86C, 1000 Brussels