Klimaatwijken published

In 2020, the Environment Department, the Team Flemish Master Builder and the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency launched a call for neighbourhood-scale reconversion projects. Now that the surveys have been completed, we compiled the main insights and recommendations in a publication.
Kopie van Klimaatwijken

Three cities - Leuven, Mechelen and Kortrijk, each with a climate district - were chosen from the applications, and a multidisciplinary design and research team was appointed for each of the projects.

The learning trajectory Climate Neighbourhoods starts from the hypothesis that it offers multiple advantages to address

  • linking different energy, climate and space challenges,
  • tackle transformation at the scale of the neighbourhood
  • and focusing on a more collective, area-oriented and integrated approach.

Indeed, the district forms an intermediate scale at which the interaction between energy consumption, mobility, building structure, space use, water management, material consumption and biodiversity can be investigated and imagined through design.

Testing that hypothesis, apart from providing many valuable insights, also raises a number of new questions that policy, research and practice need to pursue.

Browse the publication here

This publication

  1. shows that the energy and climate transition is also pre-eminently a spatial issue,
  2. identifies a number of 'tracks of change' on which we must focus and
  3. highlights the most important insights from the three climate districts in Leuven, Mechelen and Kortrijk.

The book ends with a look ahead and a plea for a genuine reconversion programme.

We collaborated on the study in Mechelen. You can download them here.