Gare Maritime inspires Cultural Clusters in Industrial Topography in Prague

The exhibition Industrial Topography at the former Zizkov Freightstation in Prague 3, focusses on the conversion of industrial areas into cultural and social clusters.
03 Gare Maritime NRA Filip Dujardin HR 3811

The exhibition discusses the sustainability of the historical industrial footprint and presenting selected projects that have become important cultural and social centres.

This exhibition compares the Czech Republic situation with international examples.

At the opening of the exhibition Michiel Riedijk, Neutelings Riedijk Architects, gave a keynote on Gare Maritime highlighting the potential for industrial heritage to serve as contemporary cultural destinations and contribute to economic and social development.

This redevelopment transformed an old railway station into a bustling socio-cultural hub. By integrating sustainable practices and preserving the historical essence, Gare Maritime serves as a model for how urban redevelopment can return valuable space to the city.