
Service building Infrabel

We analyse the environmental impact of Infrabel's new building using TOTEM.
  • Architect: ORG Urbanism & Architecture

  • Client: Infrabel

  • Surface: 13.000 m²

  • Timing: 2021 -

  • Status: Design phase

  • Photographer: ORG Urbanism & Architecture

Infrabel's new service building includes an Infrastructure Logistics Centre, the Gent-Sint-Pieters signal box and offices. The various services will thus be centralised in one building.

Afbeelding 03 milieu impact


The TOTEM analysis is BREAAM-compliant. Besides delivering a summary report, we also provided the completed BREEAM-Excel. This analysis was carried out during the final design phase.

TOTEM - tool to optimise the total environmental impact of materials - was developed by the three Belgian regions to support the Belgian construction sector in reducing the environmental impact of its buildings.

We have been a pioneer of TOTEM since the tool was created in early 2018.
Please find out more about TOTEM

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Meet our durability specialists

From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (2)

Katrien 569 A0552 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Katrien Van Lierop

Energy and sustainability advisor
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Jona 569 A6702 Large

ir. arch. Jona Van Steenkiste

Energy and sustainability advisor
EPB reporter
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TAGS: Environmental impact| TOTEM