02 220817 LUM SJV DEND EXT HD Persp 03 4746

Office building DDS-Verko

Together with Bulk and Studio Jan Vermeulen, we are collaborating on a new innovative and circular office building for the service association DDS and Verko in Dendermonde.
  • Architect: TM BULK - Studio Jan Vermeulen

  • Client: DDS - VERKO

  • Surface: 3.250 m2

  • Budget: € 5.000.000

  • Timing: 2023 -

  • Status: Design phase

  • Advisors: BAS (stability) - Studiebureau IRS (technique) - Cluster Landschap-Stedenbouw (landscape) - Bureau De Fonseca (acoustics) - Bureau Bouwtechniek (circularity)

The project brings together the offices of service association Dender, Durme, Schelde (D.D.S.) and waste intermunicipal association VERKO in one new building that will be the face of the technology and recycling park on Bevrijdingslaan in Dendermonde.

The office symbolises the future vision of the region and facilitates a new workplace for the expanded services of DDS and Verko. The new building occupies a prominent place in the impressive Scheldt landscape and forms a link in a wider educational and tourist network, like a beacon along the riverbank.

DDS and Verko demonstrate their ambition with this characterful building that seeks a strong connection with its context. This compact design leaves room for nature and offers a robust structure. Both the specific identity and the flexible structure make the office building future-proof.
Flemish Master Builder Erik Wieërs
Afbeelding 02 GRO logo

Sustainability meter

After selecting the sustainable efforts to be made, we follow up the works using the Flemish government's GRO sustainability meter.

This tool makes the various sustainable aspects measurable and allows us to link them during the various life phases of a building - design, construction and use.

We are convinced that this working method is the key to the realisation of a sustainable building.
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01 220817 LUM SJV DEND EXT HD Persp 01 4747


The building will pioneer what the team calls the 'new working landscape'. As a generous shell, the project can accommodate many uses over time. In doing so, we take an ambitious stance on sustainable construction and circular building principles. The proposed cladding in bio-based material, manufactured from waste collected locally by VERKO, was recognised by the jury as "an esteemed and promising innovation".

As a sustainability consultant, we are responsible for:

  • Advice on general sustainability
  • Advice on reuse of existing materials
  • Summer comfort study
  • Daylight study
  • TOTEM analysis

Meet our sustainability specialist

From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (1)

Katrien 569 A0552 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Katrien Van Lierop

Energy and sustainability advisor
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TAGS: Durability| GRO| TOTEM| Daylight