20230829 SME Render Gebouw A B

Mench apartments

Together with A Practice, we are building 41 residential units in Schaerbeek.
  • Architect: A Practice

  • Client: Revive

  • Status: In execution

  • Photographer: Revive

  • Advisors: JZH & Partners (stability), Boydens by sweco (EPB, techniques), Atelier Veldwerk (environment), Defonseca (acoustics), V.E.T.O. (safety coordination)

20230829 SME Render Masterplan A

Mench is a project consisting of three buildings in which 41 residential units and an underground car park for 18 spaces will be realised. It will be a mix of different typologies: smaller and larger flats, as well as duplexes, each with a private terrace. Some housing units will be for co-living. All this will be built around a large, communal courtyard garden of 2,500m² - designed by a landscape architect.

20230829 SME Render Gebouw B night


  • 1,260 m2 of green retention roofs.
  • With Mench, we transform a fully paved site containing offices and an industrial workshop into a retention area. In doing so, we create a collective green space without burdening the city's drainage system.

As executive architects, we help the designing architects with all technical and financial issues so that they can fully focus on the design. We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

  • 003063 Mench 3 D beeld 02
  • 003063 Mench 3 D beeld 01

Meet our project team

From Team Architecture (French-speaking) (2)

Julie J 3227

ir. arch. Julie Janssens

Project architect
E-mail |
Ilse 569 A0601 Gemiddeld

arch. Ilse Deckmyn

Project architect
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From Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (1)

Christof Gemiddeld

arch. ass. Christof Nollet

Technical designer
BIM modeller
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TAGS: Executive architect| BIM