Choice Alexianenweg 8 11 23 569 A9970 Aangepast

Masterplan Alexianen

Together with Urban Platform, we realised a master plan for Alexians in Tienen.
  • Architect: Urban Platform i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: asbl Archdiocesan Colleges and Foundations of the Province of Brabant

  • Client: Management school: Belfius Project Managemen

  • Surface: 19.500 m²

  • Budget: € 17.000.000

  • Timing: 2018 -2023

  • Status: Executed

  • Photographer: Sarah Blee

  • Advisors: V2S (stability), Istema (techniques, EPB), Venac (acoustics), TV Thiers-Dujardin (landscape architect), Steto bvba (safety)

Choice Alexianenweg 8 11 23 569 A9989 Aangepast

Masterplan Alexians includes:

  • the partial redevelopment of a school site into a mixed-use programme and public park
  • the construction of a new primary school with 24 classrooms
  • the construction of a residential block with 30 flats
  • the construction of a new underground car park with 2 levels.
002696 3 D School gevel01 20201028 HDN 4651


For the Alexianen site in Tienen, we modelled the BIM model in collaboration with stability consultancy V2S. V2S modelled the stability aspect model, we modelled the architecture aspect model. We also took responsibility for coordination and integration between the various models.

Both the school and the apartment building were built in the same model, and are connected by an underground car park.

The gross surface areas of the school, car park and school were +/- 4400 m², 6450 m² and 8400 m² respectively.

In the BIM model, 9594 elements were automatically measured.

As executive architects, we help the designing architects with all construction technical and financial issues, so that they can fully focus on the design.

We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

Choice Alexianenweg 8 11 23 569 A0039 Aangepast

Meet our project team

From Team Architecture (private sector Antwerp, Limburg, Flemish Brabant and Brussels) (2)

Steven 569 A0822 Gemiddeld

arch. Steven Wauters

Project architect
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Joris 569 A0697 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Joris Minnen

Project architect
E-mail |

From Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (3)

Glenn choice 719925

Glenn Verdyck

Technical designer
BIM modeller
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Hans De Neve

ing. Hans De Neve

Project engineer
Technical designer
BIM modeller
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Stefanie P

int. arch. Stephanie Plas

TAGS: Executive architect| Reconversion