Montgomery Central Commissariat

We are advising Beel Architects on EPB, sustainable construction and building physics for the design and construction of the Central Police Station of the Montgomery Police Zone.
  • Architect: Beel Architecten

  • Client: Police College of Montgomery Police Zone i.c.w. SWECO Belgium bv

  • Status: Design phase

  • Advisors: Bureau Bouwtechniek (EPB, sustainability advice & building physics), IRS (techniques,sustainable building?), Ney&Partners (stability)

Pluridisciplinary team

Montgomery Police District's ambitions with regard to the construction of their new police station reach high. The building must meet current spatial, functional and environmental needs and comply with the latest regulations, particularly in terms of energy performance, acoustic performance, safety, accessibility and job protection.

BEEL Montgomery BEEL 71
BEEL Montgomery BEEL 2 Groot


The atrium between the existing building and a compact new building serves as the vibrant heart of the new station. This open space visually and physically connects the station. Old and new form a harmonious whole and offer a variety of workplaces that emphasise interaction and encourage interdepartmental cooperation.

The renovated police commissariat is generous to the neighbourhood and all those who enter the building thanks to:

  • the valorisation of heritage,
  • the rational use of land,
  • the increased biodiversity and breathing space for the city,
  • the reduction in energy demand,
  • the greening as a heat shield and the far-reaching reuse of water,
  • the integral accessibility.
BEEL Montgomery BEEL 3 BEEL Montgomery BEEL 6 BEEL Montgomery BEEL 5 BEEL Montgomery BEEL 4

Our project team

Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (9)

ALMUT 569 A4911

ir. arch. Almut Fuhr

Durability advisor
E-mail |
Cuno 569 A4969

arch. ass. Cuno De Smet

E-mail |
Emma 569 A0561 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Emma Van De Steene

Energy and sustainability advisor
E-mail |

ir. Jente De Schepper

Sustainability consultant
E-mail |
Jona 569 A6702 Large

ir. arch. Jona Van Steenkiste

Energy and sustainability advisor
EPB reporter
E-mail |
Katrien 569 A0552 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Katrien Van Lierop

Energy and sustainability advisor
E-mail |
Martijn 569 A5078

ing. Martijn Vyncke

Energy advisor
Daylight expert
Consultant technical installations
E-mail |
BB Robbe oct2014

ir. arch. Robbe Verelst

Energy and sustainability advisor
Building physics engineer
E-mail |
Thomas DV

ir. arch. Thomas De Visscher

Energy and sustainability advisor
E-mail |
TAGS: EPB| GRO| Durability| Building physics, Comfort & Well-being