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Culture House Fondation Mons 2015

Together with K2A Architecture, we renovated the former Academy of Fine Arts into the headquarters of the Fondation Mons 2015.
  • Architect: K2A Architecture i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, AGI – DG Infrastructures Culturelles

  • Budget: € 3.150.000

  • Timing: 2008 – 2013

  • Status: Executed

  • Advisors: Bureau Delveaux (stability), Séca Bébénélux (techniques), Landinzicht (landscape)


The u-shape of he2024Vdst building will be retained. One side arm that is in poor condition will be rebuilt. The new gallery opens onto the former courtyard which has now become a public square


Façade engineering

The preservation and renovation of the façade of the existing building required a thorough investigation of the best renovation techniques, taking into account the fragility of the façade stone. Our façade consultants formulated the most appropriate working method in a preliminary study, and followed it closely during the works.

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Facade made of expanded metal

When choosing an expanded metal cladding, the challenge was to investigate a number of technical solutions for:

  • the combination of expanded metal and a curtain wall;
  • the realisation of a combined detail while maintaining the performance of both materials;
  • the mesh size according to the strength of the structure and the aesthetics of the façade.

The theoretical study and façade advice was assessed based on on-site mock-ups before implementation.

As executive architects , we help the designing architects with all technical and financial issues so that they can fully focus on the design. We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

A collaboration between two teams

Team Architecture (French-speaking) (11)

CESAR 9 6 23 569 A8768 Gemiddeld

arch. César Watterlot

Project architect
E-mail |
Evelyn B569 A6556 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Evelyn Beckx

Project architect
E-mail |
Kopie van Paulus

ir. arch. Félix de Walque

Project architect
E-mail |
Kopie van Paulus

arch. Florent Oosterlynck

Project architect
E-mail |
Francesca 569 A0780 Gemiddeld

arch. Francesca Crosby

Project architect
E-mail |

ir. arch. Guillaume Paturel

Project architect
E-mail |
Ilse 569 A0601 Gemiddeld

arch. Ilse Deckmyn

Project architect
E-mail |
JOHAN 9 6 23 569 A8828 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. John Flippo

Project architect
E-mail |
Julie J 3227

ir. arch. Julie Janssens

Project architect
E-mail |
Michiel 569 A4901

ir. arch. Michiel Dehandschutter

Project architect
E-mail |
Smaranda 3252

arch. Smaranda Alexandrescu

Project architect
E-mail |

Team Computer Aided Design & BIM (18)

Alexander 569 A1665 Gemiddeld

arch. Alexander Vandenberghe

Technical designer
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Andreas 569 A1636 Gemiddeld

arch. Andreas Porreye

Technical designer
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Arthur Vlietinck

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Bart choice 719976

arch. Bart Van den Bossche

Technical designer
BIM modeller
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Brent 569 A4876

ir. arch. Brent Paelinck

Technical designer
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Christof Gemiddeld

arch. ass. Christof Nollet

Technical designer
BIM modeller
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arch. Daphne Slachmuylders

Technisch ontwerper
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Frederik 3410

arch. Frederik Velghe

Technical designer
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Glenn choice 719925

Glenn Verdyck

Technical designer
BIM modeller
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Hans De Neve

ing. Hans De Neve

Project engineer
Technical designer
BIM modeller
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Jan D

Jan Deuvaert

BIM modeller
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Julie H

ing. Julie Huybrighs

Technical designer
BIM modeller
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arch. ass. Katie Van der Borght

Technical designer
BIM modeller
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Katrien N 569 A6640 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Katrien Nevejans

Technical designer
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Nikita 569 A5128

Nikita Mitenkovs

Student intern
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Sofia 569 A3516 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Sofia Valtara

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |

arch. Stan Lasuy

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |
Tiny 569 A3568 Large

arch. Tiny Vandenberghe

Technical designer
BIM modeller
E-mail |
TAGS: Executive architect