STUK 1 12 22 569 A6845 Large

Arts centre STUK

Together with Neutelings Riedijk Architects, we gave the STUK Arts Centre buildings an architectural facelift. The facades, access areas and a number of public rooms will be renovated, made integrally accessible and gender-neutral. The exterior landscaping of the building will be partially softened and decorated with robust materials.
  • Architect: Neutelings Riedijk Architecten i.c.w. Bureau Bouwtechniek

  • Client: Kunstencentrum STUK

  • Surface: floor area approx. 700m2, external landscaping approx. 500m2, roof area approx. 350m2 facade area approx. 1000m2 m²

  • Budget: € 3.000.000

  • Timing: 2021 - 2023

  • Status: Executed

  • Photographer: Sarah Blee

  • Advisors: B.A.S. (stability), Macobo - Stabo (techniques), Daidalos Peutz (acoustics), Bureau Bouwtechniek (EPB and VC)

Choice STUK 13 6 22 569 A3407 Gemiddeld

Mindful of the sustainable challenges of the future and caring for the building's history, the arts centre is being smartly renovated, made integrally accessible and gender-neutral.

STUK 1 12 22 569 A6856 Gemiddeld


  • A new public hall will be built in the heart of the building with a fresh look and contemporary finishes.
  • The facades are cleaned, repointed and restored.
  • The exterior joinery will be replaced by thermally-performing versions with an eye for the historical window divisions.
  • The entire building envelope will be fitted with energy-saving interventions (roof insulation, upgrade of exterior joinery).

Facade and roof renovation

Pointing, concrete and external joinery as well as roof sealing will be repaired and/or replaced.

The building's oldest wings date back to 1909 and, with 10,000 square metres of walkable area, you can safely call STUK a city within the city.

So it goes without saying that the climate gains from a thorough renovation are considerable:
  • 200 single-glazed windows were replaced with double glazing
  • roofs were better insulated
  • heating systems were scrutinised
  • STUK is committed to the LED transition, both for theatre lighting and fixed lighting
  • outdoor spaces were partly softened and greened
  • infiltration crates return rainwater to the soil
  • sanitary facilities switch to rainwater

As executive architect, we help the designing architects with all construction technical and financial issues, so that they can fully focus on the design. We also monitor the implementation and ensure that the objectives and plan are always crystal clear for all partners, so that together we can realise our dreams.

Wondering how our safety coordinator kept an eye on things?

We take safety on and around the site very seriously. Our safety coordinators show you the way both at design stage and during execution.

Onze experten

From Team Architecture (public sector Flanders) (1)

CHOICE 569 A1653

arch. Lieselot Prinsie

Project architect
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From Team Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance (1)

Stephanie Van Goethem

ir. arch. Stephanie Van Goethem

Project architect
Technical expert
Expert damage diagnosis and repair of concrete
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From Team Sustainability, Energy & Comfort (2)

BB Robbe oct2014

ir. arch. Robbe Verelst

Energy and sustainability advisor
Building physics engineer
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Katrien 569 A0552 Gemiddeld

ir. arch. Katrien Van Lierop

Energy and sustainability advisor
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From Team Safety (1)

B B Ken Koolsaet 7293 Large

Ken Coolsaet

Advisor flat roofs
Safety coordinator
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Neutelings Riedijk Architects STUK Leuven 07

Together with Neutelings Riedijk Architects, we rebuilt STUK a first time in 2002.

STUK added two beautiful performance halls, a cinema, café and courtyard all at once. Curious to see how that worked out?

TAGS: EPB| Executive architect| Façade