Art project OFF THE WALL featuring Fien Jorissen

OFF THE WALL is the art project of Bureau Bouwtechniek.
Bureau Bouwtechniek finals 2 goed voor print en gebruik 4268

Every year a different artist is commissioned to create a work for the wall in the entrance hall of our Antwerp office.

The choice of artist is made together with curator Ephameron of the Grafixx festival in Antwerp.


OFF THE WALL - 1 / 2021
Fien Jorissen (November 2021)

For the first edition of OFF THE WALL we will be working with illustrator Fien Jorissen.

Her colorful sequential work finds its inspiration in surrealism and is characterized by her multi-panel narrative observations.

Her creation for OFF THE WALL is Fien's first on this scale and therefore also a first in her career. Fien Jorissen and assistant Siemen Van Gaubergen realized this work in November 2021.

The making of ..