Circular construction: how to get started?

The sustainability consultants at Bureau Bouwtechniek dream of making buildings greener and more efficient. To give shape to those dreams, they are at the forefront of developing tools that encourage the transition to more circularity.
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The sustainability meter GRO is one such tool. Developed by Construction Projects Flemish Government - Het Facilitair Bedrijf to implement sustainability in construction projects.

  • BB has long been actively involved in communicating about and developing GRO.
  • We manage the central helpdesk and offer Dutch-language training modules throughout Flanders and Brussels.
  • We directly implement the feedback we receive from first-time users on the operation of GRO in the new interregional GRO.

TOTEM, the Belgian tool for measuring and optimising the environmental impact of buildings, is also essential to see your circular dreams realised.

  • Bureau Bouwtechniek, together with Buildwise, manages the Dutch-language helpdesk for the three regions and evaluates the tool.
  • Together, they developed a practical guide with guidelines, strategies and steps to integrate the use of TOTEM qualitatively into a project, on behalf of OVAM.
  • Bureau Bouwtechniek gives the Dutch-language training courses in Flanders and Brussels.


Our colleagues and circularity experts Jona Van Steenkiste and Katrien Van Lierop would like to help you on your way to integrate circular construction into your daily practice.

They do this by clearly explaining the tools that exist for this purpose. After their explanation, you will have all the building blocks you need to consciously embrace circular building in your hands.


  • Study day Circular Construction: 20 September 2023
  • Info sessions GRO, the 3 regions: 7 September - 21 November 2023 + also in 2024
  • Learning network GRO, VIBE: between 19 September and 12 December 2023
  • Training TOTEM, the three regions: 10 and 17 October 2023