BB'ers in front of the class

BB'ers have an above-average passion for construction engineering. They don't go out megaphoneing yet to shout it from the rooftops, but still....
Voor De Klas EN

Check your diary and arrange an appointment with one of them:

22 April: Climate roofing, the future? From roof pathologies to roof dreams. (The 5th facade)

  • Tuur Van Dijck and Jan Moens will introduce us to destructive and non-destructive research techniques that can be used in the realisation of challenging, not everyday, special climate roofs.
  • ➡️gratis, but please register

29 April: TOTEM for advanced students (Leefmilieu Brussel | Flemish government | Service public de Wallonie)

6 May: Digital construction courtesy of BIM as a binding agent (B2Build Academy I Digital Construction Team)

7, 15 & 28 May: Introduction to closing material loops: reusing materials (NAV)

7 May: Awareness event Study Day Sustainable Joinery (Embuild & VLAIO)

14/05: Architectural design and nature. Oxygen for a sustainable learning environment (School Building Formula)

  • Sustainability consultant Jona Van Steenkiste introduces GRO, which has the ambition to achieve future-oriented, comfortable buildings through an integrated design process, with a strong commitment to circular construction.
  • ➡️sign up for free

15/05: Circular building (Forum Energy Zurich)

  • Nadja Van Houten explains how we are driving the transition to circular building at BB and by extension in Belgium.

23/05: GRO tutorials

  • Jona Van Steenkiste and Katrien Van Lierop continue to explain the usefulness and importance of the GRO tool

24/05: Circular construction (Postgraduate Circular Construction at the HoWest)

Towards more positive impact on our future environment together. 📌